Acupuncture is the ancient traditional medical treatment. Aupuncture is usually associated with the Chinese. Thousands of years ago, as the story goes, Chinese warriors found that when they were hit with arrows in certain parts of their body, they seemed to recover from ailments in other areas of the body, or noticed a sensation of numbness some distance from the wound.
Huvang Di is called Father of Acupuncture . During his period and ruling acupuncture was popular in China.
For the next 2000 years, acupuncture occupied an important place in Chinese medicine. Books were written defining more than 600 effective acupuncture points on the human body and describing ailments from back pains to tooth aches that could be cured by it. Special departments of acupuncture were established in chinese schools of medicine.
During the year 1601 Yang Jizhon had written a book about Acupuncture and Moxibustion and the name of the book is “Principles of Acupuncture and Moxibustion”. In this book acupuncture treatment techniques was clearly noted. The same book was introduced in the school as lesson in Europe countries. “The New Acupuncture” book was also released in the same year.
In India during Cheran ruling period , buddhist introduced Varma techniques for self protection and safety purpose . Later was it was developed as acupuncture.
In China the Revolution by Chairman Mao Tse Tung, worked at reviving traditional Chinese medicine in a modern context. During the year 1962 acupuncture was recognized by WHO (World Health Organisation). Since 1971 Acupuncture is popular in USA.
In Gajagasthan country, Alma Atta introduced the acupuncture therapy approval. All the English medical doctors participated in the training. In this conference and training programme, Dr.Anten Jeyasurya participated as Srilankan representative. After returned to Srilanka he started Acupuncture General Hospital. With Srilanka Government approval, he started World Acupuncture University in Srilanka . He got Nobel prize for Acupuncture medicine during the year 2005.
Huvang Di is called Father of Acupuncture . During his period and ruling acupuncture was popular in China.
For the next 2000 years, acupuncture occupied an important place in Chinese medicine. Books were written defining more than 600 effective acupuncture points on the human body and describing ailments from back pains to tooth aches that could be cured by it. Special departments of acupuncture were established in chinese schools of medicine.
During the year 1601 Yang Jizhon had written a book about Acupuncture and Moxibustion and the name of the book is “Principles of Acupuncture and Moxibustion”. In this book acupuncture treatment techniques was clearly noted. The same book was introduced in the school as lesson in Europe countries. “The New Acupuncture” book was also released in the same year.
In India during Cheran ruling period , buddhist introduced Varma techniques for self protection and safety purpose . Later was it was developed as acupuncture.
In China the Revolution by Chairman Mao Tse Tung, worked at reviving traditional Chinese medicine in a modern context. During the year 1962 acupuncture was recognized by WHO (World Health Organisation). Since 1971 Acupuncture is popular in USA.
In Gajagasthan country, Alma Atta introduced the acupuncture therapy approval. All the English medical doctors participated in the training. In this conference and training programme, Dr.Anten Jeyasurya participated as Srilankan representative. After returned to Srilanka he started Acupuncture General Hospital. With Srilanka Government approval, he started World Acupuncture University in Srilanka . He got Nobel prize for Acupuncture medicine during the year 2005.
During 1st April 2001, Dr.Abdulla Sehu started the ATAMA It was started in Karaikudi. Acupuncture Medical Education was started by Atama. (All Tamilnadu Acupuncture and Alternative Medical Association).
In Tamilnadu in the year 2002, during budget session Governor suggested that acupuncture should be developed through private organization for the welfare of human life. In India Acupuncture is approved by Bharat Seva Samajam-Delhi(Central Govt.). Chennai High Court gave judgement that Acupuncture is a recognized alternative medicine and Acupuncture Doctors should not be disturbed and arrested by Police Official for the Acupuncture treatment.
In Tamilnadu in the year 2002, during budget session Governor suggested that acupuncture should be developed through private organization for the welfare of human life. In India Acupuncture is approved by Bharat Seva Samajam-Delhi(Central Govt.). Chennai High Court gave judgement that Acupuncture is a recognized alternative medicine and Acupuncture Doctors should not be disturbed and arrested by Police Official for the Acupuncture treatment.
Acupuncture is valuable drugless therapy and it is one of Alternate therapy. Acus means Needle and Punctura means Prick. The name of Acupuncture was born from the Latin word Acuspunctura.
Acupuncture means Prick with needle in the particular points for healing purpose. There are more than 1000 points in our body. Among them there are very important and effective points for the twelve meridians and two extraordinary meridians.
Total 361 points for the twelve main acupuncture meridians and the extraordinary meridians: Details of meridians and points related to them is mentioned below.
Acupuncture means Prick with needle in the particular points for healing purpose. There are more than 1000 points in our body. Among them there are very important and effective points for the twelve meridians and two extraordinary meridians.
Total 361 points for the twelve main acupuncture meridians and the extraordinary meridians: Details of meridians and points related to them is mentioned below.
Meridian and Points
- Lung Meridian (LU)- 11 points
- Large Intestine (LI)-20 points
- Stomach Meridian (ST)- 45 points
- Spleen Meridian (SP) -21 points
- Heart Meridian (HT, HE) - 9 points
- Small Intestine Meridian (SI)- 19 points
- Urinary Bladder Meridian ( UB)-67 points
- Kidney Meridian (KI)- 27 points
- Pericardium Meridian (P, PC)- 9 points
- Triple Warmer (San Jiao) Meridian (TW, SJ) -23 points
- Liver Meridian (Liv)-14 points
- Gall Bladder Meridian (GB)- 44 points
- Conception Vessel Meridian (CV, Ren)-24 points
- Governing Vessel Meridian (GV, Du)-28 points.
The diseases which can be treated with Acupuncture , are divided into 3 major categories:
1. Disorder with Pain symptom
3. Paresis and Paralysis
1. Disorder with Pain symptom
- Headache
- Migraine
- Trigeminal neuralgia
- Low back pain
- Sciatica
- Arthrities
- Tennis Elbow
- Periarthritis Humeroscapularis
- Cervical Spondylosis
- Muscle Spasms
- Intercostal Neuralgia
- Dysmenorrhea
- Insomnia
- Fatigue
- Sexual Disturbances
- Gastritis
- Constipation
- Irritable Bowel Disease
- Stress Related Disorders
- Bronchial Asthma
- Addictions (drugs-alcohol-nicotine-obesity)
- Enuresis
- Eczema
- Psoriasis
- Herpes Zoster
3. Paresis and Paralysis
- Facial Paresis
- Stroke
- Acupuncture treatment will cure the disease completely , the chance and recurrence of the disease is only 10%.
- Acupuncture treatment is a drugless medical treatment,
- No side effect
- No diet control and no restriction in food items like another medicinal system.
- With in short period the disease can be cured.
- No compulsion to the patient to take xray, scan and to take unnecessary chemical test. Only if warranted it will be advised.
- Minimum expensive
- Acupuncture treatment will cure the concerned disease and also cure other diseases of the patient also simultaneously.
- At the time of acupuncture treatment other medication also can continue without any interruption
- During emergency acupuncture treatment will give good result
- No side effect of ulcer vomiting by the acupuncture treatment because no intake of medicine and tablets which will be
allergy and give side effect. - By acupuncture treatment the diseases like Ashthma, Paralytic strokes. Facial paralytic ailments, Koma and so many diseases are cured effectively and permanently within short duration.
- Acupuncture treatment tonify and enhance the hormones and organs and to maintain good health.
Acupressure is a technique of ancient Chinese medicine that is derived from acupuncture. With acupuncture, needles are placed along the meridian points of the body to increase the flow of energy and to promote self-healing. Acupressure uses the same meridian points, but instead of needles the practitioner exerts pressure using fingers, knuckles, hands or elbows. Acupressure is considered a form of alternative medicine, but it has proven effective in a wide range of ailments, including pain relief, arthritis, stress, nausea and menstrual cramps.
Acupressure is giving a pressure by fingers in the meridian points. Practitioners are trained in locating all the meridian points of the body. Using the principles of acupuncture, acupressure uses manual pressure along the meridian pathways. There are different degrees of pressure for each meridian point. But for most pathways a practitioner uses the fingers or hands with a gradual, but steady, downward force held for 2 to 5 minutes. The length of time spent on each point is determined by how the point feels to the practitioner. Some points feel hard and tense and require prolonged pressure. Other points feel sore and require a shorter treatment time. The pressure is applied to the acupuncture point that corresponds to the part of the body that needs healing.
For example, by applying pressure to the point that corresponds to the sinuses, a sinus headache can be relieved. The pressure on the acupuncture point helps to send more energy to the affected area where it promotes healing.
During an acupressure session, the therapist may apply pressure to the 12 main meridians for overall general health, or may focus on the acupuncture points that correspond to the patient's diseased or painful areas. With acupressure the energy of a person is stimulated and increased. This reduces blockages that may be impairing self-healing. Acupressure is beneficial for self healing and to maintain good health.
For example, by applying pressure to the point that corresponds to the sinuses, a sinus headache can be relieved. The pressure on the acupuncture point helps to send more energy to the affected area where it promotes healing.
During an acupressure session, the therapist may apply pressure to the 12 main meridians for overall general health, or may focus on the acupuncture points that correspond to the patient's diseased or painful areas. With acupressure the energy of a person is stimulated and increased. This reduces blockages that may be impairing self-healing. Acupressure is beneficial for self healing and to maintain good health.
Auricular therapy, or ear acupuncture, or auriculoacupuncture is a form of alternative medicine based on the idea that the ear is a microsystem which reflects the entire body, represented on the auricle, the outer portion of the ear. Conditions affecting the physical, mental or emotional health of the patient are assumed to be treatable by stimulation of the surface of the ear exclusively. Similar mappings are used in many areas of the body, including the practices of reflexology and iridology. These mappings were not originally based on or supported by any medical or scientific evidence, but rather clinical observation.